Linnworks API Web Store Integration

Synchronising orders & products between Linnworks & Instantcart

  • What we did

    We were commissioned by Watercooling UK to develop a new middleware application to connect Linnworks (a popular marketplace management platform) with InstantCart.  This would allow Watercooling UK to predominately just use Linnworks for order processing while their website would automatically handle order notifications and order status.

    The application was designed to collect and submit order data from InstantCart and periodically send it to Linnworks using both the Linnworks & Instantcart API’s.  It also has the ability to dispatch orders as and when they’re processed on Linnworks.

    Additionally, we created full stock synchronisation capabilities, fetching product data from Linnworks and updating related records on Instantcart.


    • Stock synchronisation for multiple warehouses
    • Order synchronisation
    • Dispatch management
    • Automated processes
    • API connectivity
    • Product data synchronisation

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